Jim Hester Missionary Ministries, Inc. was formed by Rev. Jim & Jo Ann Hester. After pastoring for more than forty years, Rev. Hester felt very strongly about going in to full-time missionary work, which he did himself for many years before pastoring. This ministry, which is an independent missionary organization, has a Board of Directors comprised of businessmen and ministry professionals in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex. This ministry sponsors seventeen missionaries on five different continents.
Besides sponsoring missionaries in Asia, Europe, Central America, South America, North America, Africa and South Africa, Jim & Jo Ann Hester have travelled all over the world preaching the Gospel of Christ. Their work has consisted of helping to raise funds for missionaries, establishing Bible Colleges, conducting tent crusades, preaching in churches in the USA and abroad, and leading Ladies’ Conferences.
All of the missionaries this ministry supports are seasoned, educated, and well-trained to meet the challenges of today on the mission field. We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission in Mark 16:15 that says, “Go ye, into all the world and preach the Gospel”.
Rev. Dr. James (Jimmy) Hester of Arlington, Texas went to be with the Lord on Sunday, March 19, 2017 at age 86. You can watch the memorial video and read more by clicking the link below.