Lovie Phillips

Lovie Phillips

India, Africa, Nepal

God birthed God Loves Kids ministry in the heart of Lovie Phillips over 38 years ago to touch children in His name that otherwise would have little or no hope for the future. Thousands of lives have been changed and God is working through GLK now and, I am sure, will be for many years to come. None of this would happen without our committed partners who believe and participate faithfully in this work.

Purpose: Communicate Christ’s Compassion to the Children of the World
What started in 1973 as an attempt to help a few children, has evolved into caring for thousands and is now reaching some of the most needy children in the world in Africa, India, and Nepal in 14 different homes and schools. In recent years, we have transitioned into the name God Loves Kids because it is our heart to bring to the neglected and hurting children of the world the touch of a loving God, one who loved them so much He gave His only begotten Son to die for them.

We endeavor to show the love of God to these children by providing their daily needs. God Loves Kids is a child sponsorship ministry that changes lives for eternity. Sponsoring helps change a life by giving them food where there was hunger, education where there was ignorance, health where there was disease, and the love of Jesus where there was despair. To win the world, we must begin by turning our hearts toward the children.